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Emil Ekiyor Jr. age, height, ethnicity, family, college, 40 time, draft, trade, net worth, Instagram

Emil Ekiyor was born on the 22nd of January 2000 and attended Cathedral High School. this school has a reputation for modeling great football players including Emil Ekiyor himself.

However you put it, Cathedral Football has had its share of standouts, from 2001 Mr. Football Otis Shannon to 2009 Gatorade Player of the Year Kofi Hughes.

Emil Ekiyor started as a left guard during his freshman year at Cathedral High School. He then moved to correct tackle his sophomore year before leaving tackle as a junior and center as a senior. That constant shifting continued at Alabama where he has bounced around at both guard spots as well as center.

Table of Content

Age and birthday

Emil Ekiyor was born on the 22nd of January 2000. He is now 22 years old.

Nationality and ethnicity

He is an American

Height and weight

Emil Ekiyor stands at a  height of  6’3, which is 191m, and  at a weight of 307 lb which is s 138.253 kg


Emil Ekiyor attended Cathedral High School.

Draft and Trade (When was he drafted?)

All my searches on Emil do not show if he has been drafted. All I get is his draft profile report overview.

Ekiyor may be a slightly better athlete than Brown, but a lot of the same mobility questions persist. With his urgency and power, Ekiyor is a more than serviceable run blocker. He has the balance, grip strength, and hand usage necessary to be a stellar pass protector as well. Even so, his perceived athletic limitations cloud his stock.

40‑yard dash

After logging a 5.18 40–yard dash and a 26-inch vertical at 6’3″, 339 pounds, the massive Indiana native drew a plethora of scholarship offers coming his way.


Emil Ekiyor Sr is his father a former football player and his mother is Andrea an Indianapolis native and a sportswoman as well.

Salary and net worth

An estimated 4,500 high-net-worth (wealth of US$1 million to 5 million).

Twitter and Instagram

his Instagram is (@emil.ekiyor) and his Twitter handle is @BigE_ 8

